Is it time to change your job?

We all ask ourselves this question every now and then during our working life; this isn’t a bad thing, nor is this is a feeling to be ignored. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average person changes jobs 10 times before the age of forty!

Of course it’s unlikely that every move we make will always be the right move, but why spend another two years pondering on the present, whilst denying yourself a more fulfilling future? You need to understand when it’s time to listen to your conscience and consider your next leap of faith.

Here are ten signs that it’s time to leave your job:

  1. You are spending time with your friends and family complaining about your job and it’s affecting your mood. Stress and anxiety at work can have a direct effect on our personal relationships. When we’re stressed we tend to ruminate, running through negative thoughts over and over. Studies have shown that there is a direct connection with this and our spouses withdrawing, causing tension in our relationships.
  2. You see no way to progress. If we see no way to progress, we sometimes see no point in making a great effort in our jobs and we lose motivation.
  3. Your sleep patterns have been disrupted. You have difficulty sleeping or wake up during the night with worries about your job. Unfortunately lack of sleep can make a difficult situation seem worse and make your job feel like even more of a challenge.
  4. You are less productive at work, lack passion, and are bored more often. If you’re not doing what you love, you will never tap your true potential. It will just continue to be ‘a job,’ and eventually each day will seem like more of a grind.
  5. You don’t get on with the people you work with. You can try to work problems out but sometimes they are just not fixable. We spend most of our time  at work, so why surround yourself with people you dislike? It’s also better to leave your job on good terms and avoid being fired.
  6. You don’t support the corporate culture anymore. If you feel there are ethical or moral differences between yourself and the company then you’re morally misaligned with your employer and this is an uncomfortable workplace setting.
  7. Your skills are not being used. Your employer doesn’t recognise that you have more to offer, you’ve been passed over for promotion and attempts to take on more challenging assignments have failed; these are signs that your skills are unappreciated.
  8. You no longer have a good Work-Life balance. If you find you are spending less time with your family because of work, you should consider if it’s really worth it.
  9. You can’t see yourself in this job in 2 years’ time. So why hang about missing out on great opportunities?
  10. You are reading this blog!

If you find yourself relating to more than two of these notions and you have felt that way for more than just a week or so, you need to stop and reassess. It’s likely that you’re staying in your existing job simply because it’s the easier option, not because it’s the right thing for you to do.

Feeling disgruntled in your current role doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to jump ship and find an entirely new job; though not always considered, there are always other options. Perhaps your only issue is with the people you currently work with, in which case a sideways move in the same company is a simple solution. Or maybe it’s the role and you need a promotion or shift to realign your focus. Both of these are great options for a fairly simple solution.

Maybe you want a more radical change, such as working for a different company or even relocating: in which case, looking for a new exciting role is your best option for new adventure. Joining a different company not only means becoming an essential part of a new team, but also gives you the opportunity to talk about what you want from your role, thus setting out your expectations from the start.

You’re ultimately choosing to put yourself first with the possibility of such things like:
• Higher pay
• Career advancement
• A better work-life balance
• Relocation opportunity and adventure
• Escaping an incompetent or negative boss
• Realigning your career to fit your skills
• Learning something new

If you have made the decision to move on, this doesn’t mean you should just quit your job; in most cases you can strategically nail down your next position before you hand in your resignation.

Take time to understand what you want from your next role and understand that this is an opportunity, not just an option!

Looking for a more fulfilling role or even a complete change of scenery? Contact one of our consultants via