News and Insights

Expert view: the Boston Link iGaming salary survey

What do iGaming salaries look like across the board?

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Why recruiters have a bad rep, and a specialist recruiter could be the answer

Not all candidates and hiring managers like us. As recruiters (and humans), we accept that – it’s part of the job. Why do recruiters get such a bed rep? Adriana Borg Cardina, recruiter at Boston Link for 8 years explains why a good recruiter funnels applicants and only allow the absolute best to rise to the top.

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What does the latest Vixio report mean for the iGaming recruitment industry

How do the Vixio report findings affect the recruitment sector? We explore.

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Media: The State of the iGaming Job Market in Malta

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Top interview questions for hiring managers

With remote working becoming standard practice across the globe, hiring managers have had to up their game when it comes to asking the right and relevant questions. Without the benefit of meeting face to face, it is more important than ever that the questions asked really get to the bottom of the candidates skills, needs and requirements.

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Video interview tips to get the job you want

Video job interviews are an increasingly common part of the hiring process. Are you ready for yours?

Read six tips from the Boston Link team.

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Why every business should be prioritising diversity and inclusion right now

Why Effectively Building Diversity and Inclusion Is A Must Not Just A-Nice-To-Have

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Preparation, Preparation, Preparation. The key to being hired

When working towards your dreams and end goal, it takes preparation. No matter how impossible you think that goal might be, you need to put in the groundwork.

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